New Barbering Course and Facility Upgrades
We all have those moments when we feel like a refresh. Whether it be a new haircut or a new coat of paint in your home. A bit of change can go a long way. So, we decided, why not do both?

NorthTec | Te Pūkenga has not only added a new course to their hair and beauty lineup, but they’ve also given one of the learning areas a facelift and a lick of paint ready for a semester two start.
The New Zealand Certificate in Commercial Barbering (Level 4) is all set to begin its inaugural semester at NorthTec | Te Pūkenga and will commence on the 17th of July this year. The course is aimed at anyone with the desire to work as a qualified barber, either independently or at a preestablished barber shop or those already in the industry.
“This course can be for those that want to get into the barbering industry, for school leavers, or even for those already working in the industry who aren’t qualified yet,” says NorthTec Hair and Beauty head tutor Jan Dawson.
“The course is based on a work integrated model, meaning people working in the industry could do one or two days in class a week and the rest at their place of work. Those who aren’t currently working in the industry will be placed in job-placements whilst on the course.”
The new course will teach ākonga classic techniques like wet shaves and scissor skills through to modern skills such as small hair detail, clipper work, and fades, giving a well-rounded education in the art of barbering. Learners will also gain a solid foundation in health and safety requirements, customer service, and the basics of marketing across social media. Everything a person might need to start and grow their own barbering business.
“Everyone will get their own kit, which includes all the tools need to complete the course,” says Jan. “This is all included in the course costs, so they get to take it with them when they go. They will also learn how to clean and maintain those tools themselves, for hygiene and health a safety purposes.”
And with a new course, comes a new fit-out for the hair and beauty department! As barbering and hairdressing are two separate skills, they also need their own separate, purpose-built studios for students to practice their craft.
“A brand-new barbering area is being built for the new programme. It will be purpose out to mimic the barber shop environment. There is also a separate classroom for theory work. The course is 80% practical work, however, so they will be spending a lot of time in the barber shop area.”
The course will be based out of the Raumanga campus in Whangārei and will operate during term times, with semester break occurring at the same time as the local schools.
“As with all our courses, we will provide wrap around support for our ākonga that allows them to get the best out of their learning. There are so many people out there who have a talent in this area, and we want to give them the chance to get qualified right here in northland. They don’t need to go down to Auckland to get qualified now that this programme is up and running.”