Hardship Information & Application

The Manaaki Fund can provide temporary financial assistance to our learners who are facing unexpected financial hardship that is impacting their studies.

Why is NorthTec offering this fund?

It’s recognised that many learners are struggling financially – the fund is intended to support our learners to reduce barriers to completing their studies.

Where has this funding come from?

Te Pūkenga Manaaki Fund.

How do I qualify for the funding?

You must be currently enrolled in a NorthTec programme. You are not in the process of withdrawing from a programme. You are facing financial hardship.

What is considered financial hardship?

Feedback from student voice representatives, student support advisors, tutors, and pathway coordinators, has been, that learners are experiencing hardship with the following expenses.

  • Transport costs.
  • Accommodation.
  • Food.
  • Health and Wellbeing.
  • Other – we accept that we don’t know everything about what learners are struggling with. Please explain here.

How much can I apply for?

Hardship payments are assessed on individual circumstances and the information provided. This may mean that learners receive varying payment amounts.

Can I apply more than once?

No – you can only apply once during 2024.

Do I have to provide evidence about my financial hardship?

No – but you must provide an explanation and any relevant details of why you are applying for the funds.

What can the money be spent on?

  • Transport- petrol, carpooling or car repairs.
  • Accommodation- rent, to contribute towards accommodation when attending clinical, placement or work experience.
  • Food.
  • Health and wellbeing expenses – medical
  • Other

What things CANNOT be purchased or paid for with the funds?

  • Course/tuition fees or related costs
  • Technology hardware or software
  • Any other items that do not directly support hardship.

When will funding be available?

Applications open 6pm Friday 6th Sept 2024, and closes at 6pm Friday 20th Sept 2024.

You will be notified on Friday 4th of October if you will be receiving funds or not.

If I’m successful, how long will it take for the funds to be paid to me?

We will endeavour to have approved applications processed for payment within 2-3 weeks of the closing date(s).

How do I apply for the funds?

Please complete the application form via this link/button. Please note, only applications via this online form are accepted.

Who can I contact if I have any questions?

Email your questions to manaakifund@northtec.ac.nz or leave a number if you want to speak with someone directly.

A Manaaki Fund Advisor will endeavour to get back to you, between the hours of 11.00 am-1.00 pm – Monday, Wednesday & Thursday.